Wednesday, November 17, 2010
我的kawan常常给我不同的感受与启发, 从她的眼睛我看到不一样的东西。比如我对某个人的处事态度有怨言时,她可以如空气酱轻盈把我飘到另一个角度看某人,甚至发现某人的优点,不带一点痕迹。非常高超。哈哈哈!
谢谢kawan, 祝你永远幸福快乐。
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
也是贪吃婆一个。看见贝贝在吃东西会跑来向她取,不然就吵你抱抱她。会吃固体食物,如粥,饭,饼干,水果等。 是个活泼的宝宝。不过,体质稍微弱了点。咳嗽一直不会好。不晓得是不是我的遗传。 小时候的我也是一直咳嗽,咳得很厉害。 我妈说花了很多钱来治疗。
我觉得她最聪明的是早晨起身时,会用 ere r er 的声音告诉我们她已经醒了, 来试探周遭的人有没有回应。 如果没有人回应,他会把头抬起来,转个360゜ 看看有谁在那个方向。 如果没发现,他就会躺在位置上继续 ere r er mumm mumm mumm的唱着早晨的哥。 如果发现你在周围又没有抱起她的话,她会生气的哭。 哈哈!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Save Our Animals

Heavier penalties needed to clamp down on wildlife traffickers
A recent court ruling which landed Lizard King aka Anson Wong a 6-month jail term and fines of RM190,000 for smuggling 95 boa constrictor is a mere slapdash decision. The sentence passed serves no purpose in deterring the wrongdoings from recurring. Anson Wong was once jailed before in
Anson Wong was detained at the
Contrary to the Malaysian scenario where one must be caught in possession of animals (otherwise it is not considered a case), in
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has categorized endangered species into three groups. Appendix I- animals such as tiger and orangutans are banned for trade as they are close to extinction; Appendix II - less vulnerable creatures which maybe trade under a permit system; and species under Appendix III are protected under national legislation. However, CITES does not provide the same protection for wildlife bred in captivity.
All boa constrictors except one sub-species come under Appendix II. So, only experts like Wong can differentiate whether the smuggled reptiles fall under the sub-species of Appendix II? Moreover, Wong claimed that the animals traded were bred in captivity, and thus did not come under CITES. But where were those creatures bred? Whose responsibility is it to verify? The Judge or Perlihitan?
On the other hand, the Attorney-General’s Chamber has filed an appeal against the Wong’s sentence, calling for a heavier punishment. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has also stepped up efforts to protect endangered animals. Its Minister, Datuk Uggag Embas said the enforcement of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 which will be regulated later in the year, provides more serious penalties and will improve the enforcement of laws and regulations on poaching. This shows that our country takes a serious view against poaching. The question is: why should we wait for another Act when existing laws provide conviction with more serious punishment for an offence? Wong had faced a maximum 7 years imprisonment or RM 100,000 per animal or both under the Endangered Species Act 2008.
It is hoped that the new Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 will protect all species found in our country not counting if they are endangered or not.